Species introduction of masked side-necked turtle

Mask side neck Introduction to species of turtles
Masked side-necked turtles

Maskd side-necked turtles are also called masked toad-headed turtles , is one of the many branches of the genus Toad Turtle. It likes direct sunlight on its carapace. It is a semi-aquatic turtle in the wild. There are not many captive turtles in captivity. The wild individuals are mainly scattered in South America.

Chinese name: Mask side-neck turtle

Chinese Nickname:Mask-headed turtle

English name:Phrynops williamsi




Class:Creeping Class

Order: Suborder Cylindria

Family: Hydronidae

Genus: Toads

Species: Masked toad-headed turtle

Geographical distribution:South America; Argentina, Paraguay , Black Laguay and Brazil.

Livelihood situation:Semi-aquatic in wilderness areas; streams.

Focus of maintenance:A medium to large aquarium with suitable basking areas and shelter; the substrate is soil. Natural soil, gravel, coarse sand.

Growth method: Oviparous.

Food habits: Carnivorous.

